IFED and IDAHOBIT (May 2019) - Project to encourage schools to celebrate.

To celebrate International Family Equality Day (IFED) May 5th, and International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) May 17th, this year, we did a project to encourage schools to show their support for rainbow students, families and teachers, and to revisit important discussions around embracing and respecting diversity and bias-based bullying. The webpage produced included:

  • info encouraging parents to let school know they wanted them to celebrate IFED and/or IDAHOBIT (including a sample letter)

  • social media content for parents to send to their friends to encourage support

  • info about running their own event, including how to access free school kits

  • and a big update to our resources for parents and teachers to use, when talking to kids and young people around family diversity, sexual diversity and gender diversity.

  • some suggestions for talking to adults or children who make unsupportive comments about any of the above.

2019 RiS IFED and IDAHOBIT Facebook ad 2.png